Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Bagi Paramedis (Bagian II)



1.    Cyst                 : bisul, bengkak
2.    Deaf                : tuli
3.    Dumb              : bisu
4.    Deficiency       : kekurangan
5.    Diabetes          : diabetes
6.    Diagnose         : diagnose
7.    Discomfort      : ketidaknyamanan
8.    Dislocated       : memindahkan
9.    Dehydrated     : kekeringan
10.  Dementia        : tidakwaras
11.  Emergency     : darurat
12.  External           : luar
13.  ER (emergency room): UGD
14.  Family History : Riwayatkeluarga
15.  Fatal                : celaka
16.  Fever               : demam
17.  Flu/ influenza   : flu
18.  Fracture          : patah/retaktulang
19.  Germ               : bibitpenyakit
20.  Genetic           : keturunan
21.  Growth                        : pertumbuhan
22.  Heart Attack    : SeranganJantung
23.  Hives               : bengkak (sengattawon)
24.  Illness              : penyakit
25.  Immune system: sistemimun
26.  Immunization  : imunisasi
27.  Incision            : perlukaan
28.  Infant               : bayi
29.  Infection          : infeksi
30.  Injury               : luka
31.  ICU                  : ICU

1.    Bryan has got an accident in traffic, he is blooding and someone took him to the hospital, he must be went to……………………… to get the first help.
2.    Loss of weight in short time, often to urinate, vision problem are 3 of many indicates of………….
3.    In cold weather, people usually have…………..
4.    Wrong diagnose is a …………… mistake that can disadvantage patient.
5.    Because of a fatal accident, Bryan has got ………… in his leg.
6.    In a cold weather the ……… growth fast and can attack ………. System.


1.    Upper Limbs  : anggotagerak bag. atas
2.    Arms               : lengan
3.    Shoulders        : bahu
4.    Armpit             : ketiak
5.    Muscles           : otot
6.    Elbow              : siku
7.    Wrist                : pergelangan
8.    Forehand         : lengandepan
9.    Hand               : tangan
10.  Fingers            : jari-jari
11.  Thumb             : jempol
12.  Index/point finger: telunjuk
13.  Middle finger   : jaritengah
14.  Ring finger      : jarimanis
15.  Little finger      : kelingking
16.  Fingernails       : kuku jari
17.  Lower Body   :tubuhbagianbawah
18.  Hips                 : pinggul
19.  Buttocks/bum  : bokong
20.  Intestines         : usus
21.  Bladder            : kandungkemih
22.  Liver                : Hati
23.  Kidney             : Ginjal
24.  Uterus             : Rahim
25.  Lower Limbs : anggotagerak bag. Bawah
26.  Thigh               : paha
27.  Knee                : lutut
28.  Shin                 : tulangkering
29.  Calf                 : betis
30.  Ankle               : mata kaki
31.  Foot                 : kaki
32.  Leg                  : kaki
33.  Toes                : jari-jari kaki
34.  Little toe           : kelingking kaki
35.  Big toe             : ibujari kaki
36.  Toenails           : jari kaki

1.       The physician will be monitoring your to make sure it isn't cancerous….(antibiotics/laboratory/immunization/growth).
2.       You couldn't have inherited the disease because it is not …. (feverish/allergic/genetic).
3.       The (elbow/ankle/shoulder/knee) is located in the middle of the arm.
4.       My Dad's little (thumb/toe/wrist/armpit) was lost in the accident.
5.       The newborn is getting his (thigh/bum/shin/heart) changed in the nursery.
6.       She may never walk again because her (uterus/spine/finger/eye) was so badly injured.
7.       The (collar bone/limbs/teeth/skin) on his knee was scraped off when he hit the road.
8.       Each of my hands have 5 finger, they are……………………………..,…………………………….,……………………, ……………………………………,………………………………..
9.       Below my knee is my…………..
10.   Above my knee is my…………..
11.   My armpit is under my…………….
12.   Between my elbow and my wrist, there is my………..

1.    Antiseptic        : cairanpensucihama
2.    Bandage          : perban + kasa
3.    Bandage scissors : guntingperban
4.    Blood pressure monitor : tensi meter
5.    Elastic tape     : perban (tanpakasa)
6.    Eye Chart        : poster tesmata
7.    Forceps           : instrument dalamprosedurmedis

8.    Gauze             : kasaperban
9.    Hypodermic needle : jarum (bawahkulit)
10.  IV bag              :kantungcairan IV
11.  Medicine cup  : cup penakarobat (sirup)

Matching exercise

1.    We’ll have to get a blood sample (  )
2.    I need to sterilize the wound (  )
3.    We’ll have to feed him with liquids(  )
4.    Let’s check your vision (  )
5.    Can you cut this gauze for me? (  )
a.    Bandage scissors
b.    Eye charts
c.    Antiseptic
d.    IV bag
e.    Hypodermic needle

1.    Allergist                       : spesialis/ahlialergi
2.    Anesthesiologist          : spesalis/ahlianastesi
3.    Cardiologist                 : spesialis/ahlijantung
4.    Chiropractor                : spesialis/ahlipunggung
5.    Dentist                         : spesialis/ahligigi
6.    Dermatologist              : spesialis/ahlikulit
7.    Fertility specialist         : spesialis/ahlikesuburan
8.    Gynecologist               : spesialis/ahli organ genital wanita
9.    Massage therapist       : spesialis/ahlirelaksasiotot
10.  Midwife                       : bidan
11.  Nurse                          : perawat
12.  Naturopath                  : spesialis/ahlipengobatanalamiah

Referral Quiz
1.       I have a terrible rash on my arms and legs. I think I'm allergic to dairy food, but it also might be grass. (chiropractor/opthalmologist/allergist/psychiatrist)
2.       I still can't walk and it's been three months since my accident. I hate being stuck in a wheelchair. (anesthesiologist/physical therapist/radiologist/dentist)
3.       I don't want to take any drugs that will cause me to become addicted to them, but I do need some sort of pain relief. (naturopath/dentist/cardiologist/dermatologist)
4.       I've been having major chest pains this week. I'm also having trouble breathing. (gynecologist/cardiologist/oncologist/dermatologist)
5.       My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for three years. We have tried everything that the books suggest. (fertility specialist/ oncologist/psychiatrist/dentist).

Conversation  1
N: Welcome to our ward, I’m Nurse Oza. Can I help you?
P: I come to see the doctor for I have a bowel problem.
N:Did you already make an appointment?
P: No, I didn’t.
N:Ok, I’ll take you to the doctor but please fill this form first. Ehm, I’m sorry, may I know your name please?
P: Jessica Simpson.
N:Ok, Ms. Jessica. Please fill the form and don’t hesitate to ask me if there’s something unclear
P:Thank you.
Conversation 2
D: Good morning Ms.Jessica. How can I help you?
P: I have bowel 7 times today. I feel very exhausted.
D: When did you first have the problem?
P: Yesterday, after I have a lunch.
D: May I know what food did you eat yesterday?
P: A spicy rendang from West Sumatra.
D: Oh, I see. Did you ever eat any spicy food before?
P: Never as spicy as that.
D: Ok, let me check your stomach. (The doctor check her stomach noise)
D: You have bad dehydration, we need to feed your body with liquids and it seems you need bed rest in hospital for several days. The nurses will help you, they we’ll apply intra vena liquids to your body, give the medicine injection and help you in the bed.
P: Oh, I never know it could be as serious as this.

Conversation 3 (Ms. Jessica has dehydration because of diarrhea and Nurse Oza need to feed her body with liquids) 
N:Good morning Ms. Jessica. Because you have got bad dehydration, so we think we need to give your body liquids by intra vena. Do you agree?
P: Yes, I do. Is it hurt?
N:Yes, it’ll little beat hurt when I enter the needle to your vena. Are you ok with that?
P: Ok.                         (Then the nurse do the procedure)

N:Ok, we’ve already finished. We’ll give you antibiotic, but we’ll do a skin test first to check your allergist. It will be little hurt like an ant sting. Do you agree?
P: Yes, please.            (After several minutes)

N: We see that there is no allergic reaction so we’ll give antibiotic injection.
P: O, please.
N: Well, we’re already finish. We hope you can take a rest now. We stay in ward, so just call us if you need any help.
P: thank you.
N: welcome.

Conversation 4 (Ms. Jessica need a bowel)
P: Nurse!
N: Yes, Ms. Can I help you?
P: I think I need to bowel.
N: Can you walk to toilet?
P:No, I can’t.
N: Ok, wait a minute I’ll take the chamber pot.
N: I’ll help you to bowel in bed, but I am sorry for you need to open your trousers and pants.
            (the trousers and pants have already opened)
N: please lift your buttock, for I’ll take this pot under it. Please tell me if you already finish.
P: I’ve finished.
N: I’ll clean you with this soft tissue. We feel very sorry for this uncomfortable.
P: Never mind, thank you nurse.
N: welcome.

Conversation 5
N: Good morning Ms. Jessica. How do you feel today?
P: So much better nurse, thank you. How about you?
N: I feel very good today, moreover I see you are very fresh today. Doctor told me that you can get home today. You don’t need an intra vena liquids anymore, so I’m going to released it from your hand.
P: Is it will cause pain again?
N: yes, but it won’t as pain as when we apply it.
P: do it, please.
(after the procedure finish)
N: We’ve already finished. It is very pleased to help you during several days.
P: thank you very much, it is also privilege for me to get your kindness Nurse Oza.
N: It always my job to help patient in best way.

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